
Fun And Unique Save The Date Ideas

When you have decided on the date of an event as momentous as your wedding, it is important to save the date. What this refers to is letting guests of your wedding know when the planned date is, even before sending out the actual invitations, so they know to save that date and are free to attend on your special day.

Magnet Pictures
Magnet pictures are one of the best options as save the date reminders. They work well because they show the date and are affordable. They also look very appealing on fridges and makes guests keep them on the fridge, which is a staple appliance in homes so they are sure to see it on a regular basis and remember the date of your wedding instead of forgetting all about it.
Another benefit of the magnets is that on them you can incorporate a calendar in magnet design too, for a functional magnet, giving your guests something they can keep even besides using as a save the date for your wedding.
Comic Book Save the Date
If you opt for a comic book save the date, this is best done by artists or graphic designers who are professionals and can create the most interesting and attractive designs.
It is also a wonderful idea because a small comic book shares the story of how you met, making it more emotional and sentimental. There are virtually limitless options when it comes to save the date magnets.
Personalized CDs
Another option is to give family members and friends something to cherish with a sampler CD. On the CD have your engagement picture and date. Have songs on there that mean something to your relationship, to make it more personal. Do not forget to include a note of the importance of each song, to make each guest aware.
Video Save the Date
Or you may want to make a clever video as a save the date for guests to your wedding. You can either post it on YouTube or choose to email guests the link.
Mail copies of the short movie to guests.
This may be an inconvenience for older guests who are not as technology-savvy, so keep this in mind. The video option is ideal for younger guests, the more modern crowd who will appreciate it.
These are all fantastic save the date ideas, and it is important to consider your options thoroughly before making any decisions. This gives you the chance of recognizing what options you have available to you and determining which works best in your case. The most important thing, no matter which route you choose to take, is that you make those you want attending your wedding aware of your planned date as early on as possible.

